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Fr., 14. Juni



Unplug your mind & free your body!


Zeit & Ort

14. Juni 2024, 20:15 – 22:15

Zürich, Rousseaustrasse, Zürich, Schweiz

Über die Veranstaltung

Welcome to an inspiring evening of being free! 

I invite you to join us for an evening of experiences on the topic of feeling free in your body, in your authentic self and therefore in relationship.

A 2 hour workshop format where you

- drop from your head into your body and heart

- get to know yourself and the sectrum of your emotions better

- be among people

- become freer in contact with others 

- feel more confident in your body

You can expect: 

- Meditation and mindfulness

- movement & dance 

- Encounter 

- Impulses on the topic of self-love & relationship

Please bring the following with you: 

- Comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely and feel your body, and a warm jumper 

- A cushion and a yoga mat (if available)

- A water bottle to keep you hydrated during the evening

- Presence and openness to experience and enjoy the full potential of the evening.

This class is open to all gender identities and offers an inclusive space for personal growth and fulfilment. Please note that our course is not sex-positive, so no physical closeness will be exchanged in a sexual context.

I look forward to seeing you!



  • Einzeleintritt

    CHF 45.00
    + CHF 1.13 Servicegebühr
    Verkauf beendet


CHF 0.00

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